
Thursday, May 2, 2013


In less than 48 hours, I will be waiting along with 26,000 other runners getting ready for the "On your mark... Get set... GO!" sound for my very first half marathon! In addition to all of the training runs I've been doing, I have also been preparing myself this last week with the right types of foods, stretches, checklists and mantras.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

new year, new inspirations.

Things to keep in mind while moving forward into 2013...

Cheers & New Years!♥

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

sweet season.

Holidays are just around the corner which means lots and lots of sweets. October is National Cookie Month, and what better way to kick off the holiday season than an entire MONTH dedicated to cookies! By the way, how did I not know this?! It's ok, I have a week left to make some amazing cookies perfect for fall :)

And nothing pairs better with your cookies than a lovely Fall Sangria...

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Cold Remedies

It's that time of year again... time for soups, teas, hot yoga, and catching colds. Here are some of my favorite ways to stay warm, fit, and healthy during these upcoming chilly months :)

Benefits of drinking Green Tea...
1. Excellent source of anti oxidants
2. Burns fat and allows you to exercise longer
3. Lowers stress but boosts brain power
4. Reduces high blood pressure
5. Boosts your immunity against illness

I love running out in the cold... just something so refreshing about the cool air.

Here is a great site for different yoga exercises... Do Yoga With Me
I love hot yoga! I feel like I get more of a workout and my favorite place to do it is right here in Broad Ripple at The Yoga Center :)

It's nearly impossible, for me at least, to avoid the dreadful winter cold. Normally, I am a walking pharmacy when I come down with something. However, I came across this lovely homemade remedy from Pinterest oh how to help sore throats/coughs. So when the time comes, I will definitely give this a try! Cold Home Remedy

Monday, October 8, 2012

Home is where the heart is...

...and my heart belongs to the mountains.

Miss hiking, concerts in the park, winter events, skiing, etc... but most of all, my amazing friends.